Kategorija: An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde


An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde: Word Formation

Besedotvorje: postavi besedo v oklepaju v pravilno obliko. / Word formation: put the word in brackets into the correct form. 1 The _______________ of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analysed, women … merely adored. (STRONG) 2 I had the double… Preberi več

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde: Vocabulary 2

Besedišče: dopolni besede z manjkajočimi črkami. / Vocabulary: fill in the gaps with the missing letters to form meaningful words. 1 Sir Robert Chiltern enters … A personality of m _ _ _ (=importance). 2 Then, my dear Nanjac, you must certainly read between the l _ _… Preberi več

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde: Characters

Književni liki: na prazno mesto napiši ime lika, na katerega se nanaša opis. / Characters: write the character’s name to finish each sentence. 1. a) ……….………………………………… is described as first well-dressed philosopher in the history of thought. b) ……..………………………………….. puts the lights out at the end of Act… Preberi več

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde: Vocabulary 1

Dopolni prazna mesta z besedami iz tabele. / Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. exposes blackmail  submits bachelor House of Commons  illicit fraudulent worship 1. An Ideal Husband opens during a dinner party at the home of Sir Robert Chiltern in London’s fashionable Grosvenor… Preberi več