Kategorija: Parafraziraj (Paraphrase)


Passive structures

Prepiši poved tako, da uporabiš pasivno strukturo in ohraniš prvotni pomen. / Rewrite the sentence using a passive structure. The meaning must be kept.   Example: 0 People used to believe that the Earth was flat. Impersonal passive structure: It used to be believed that the Earth was… Preberi več

Reported speech: Reporting verbs used with a gerund

Prepiši poved tako, da uporabiš enega od glagolov iz tabele v pretekliku in spremeniš, kar je potrebno. Primer je dan. / Sentence transformation: rewrite each sentence using a verb from the box in the past simple and making the necessary changes. An example is given. apologise for accuse… Preberi več

Due to (2)

Prepiši spodnje povedi tako, da uporabiš ‘due to’ in spremeniš, kar je potrebno. Pomen naj ostane isti. / Rewrite the following sentences using ‘due to’ and making necessary changes. The meaning must stay the same. 1 More than 80,000 people died because the crops failed, which was accompanied… Preberi več

Linking words of addition (2)

Prepiši spodnje povedi tako, da uporabiš besedo/besedno zvezo v oklepaju in spremeniš, kar je potrebno. Pomen naj ostane isti. / Rewrite the following sentences using the word or phrase in brackets and making necessary changes. The meaning must stay the same. 1 My father didn’t tell me about it.… Preberi več

Active to passive /gimnazija/ (1)

Pretvori stavke iz tvornika v trpnik. / Transform the sentences from active to passive voice. 1 Careless driving is most commonly causes car accidents. ______________________________________________________________ by careless driving. 2 The tornado has damaged the roofs of most building in the area. The roofs _____________________________________________________________________ 3 I’m honoured to… Preberi več

Verb + Preposition (4)

Prepiši povedi tako, da uporabiš glagol v oklepaju in mu dodaš ustrezen predlog. Pomen povedi mora ostati isti. / Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets and adding a matching preposition. You must keep the original meaning. Example: There are different factors to consider when buying a… Preberi več

Due to (1)

Prepiši spodnje povedi tako, da uporabiš ‘due to’ in spremeniš, kar je potrebno. Pomen naj ostane isti. / Rewrite the following sentences using ‘due to’ and making necessary changes. The meaning must stay the same. ‘DUE TO’ is used in English to refer to the cause or reason… Preberi več

Verb + preposition (2)

Prepiši povedi tako, da uporabiš glagol v oklepaju in mu dodaš ustrezen predlog. Pomen povedi mora ostati isti. / Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets and adding a matching preposition. You must keep the original meaning. Example: 0. There are different factors to consider when buying… Preberi več

Verb + preposition (1)

Prepiši povedi tako, da uporabiš glagol v oklepaju in mu dodaš ustrezen predlog. Pomen povedi mora ostati isti. / Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets and adding a matching preposition. You must keep the original meaning. Example: 0. There are different factors to consider when buying… Preberi več

Present Perfect Simple – Paraphrasing Exercise 1

Prepiši poved tako, da uporabiš glagol v ‘present perfect simple’ in da ohraniš prvotni pomen. / Paraphrase the sentence using the verb in the Present Perfect Simple; the meaning must stay the same. He became a volunteer at the retirement home ten years ago. He ____________________________________________________________ten years. They… Preberi več