Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Glossary

Besedišče: poveži besede iz romana s spodnjimi definicijami. / Vocabulary: match the words from the novel with their definitions below.

1 bedsit


after graduating from Hailsham around age 16, the students are sent to live in the __________, where young adult clones are allowed to live freely until their donations are scheduled to begin
2 Gallery


the children at Hailsham are divided into three classes: Infants, __________; Kathy is “thirteen or fourteen” in her Senior 3 year
3 Culture Briefing


a class where older Hailsham students role-play situations they will encounter in the outside world, such as ordering in a restaurant or talking to a police officer
4 rounders


at these events, students at Hailsham can use tokens earned for good artwork to buy toys, clothes, and knickknacks; the items are second hand, which suggests that they are charitable donations from non-clones
5 guardians a studio apartment that includes a bedroom, a sitting area, and a kitchenette
6 Courses


the adults who run Hailsham and act as both teachers and parent-figures to the children there
7 Juniors and Seniors friendliness and camaraderie
8 bonhomie


a euphemism that the clones use for death; most clones __________ after their third or fourth organ donation.
9 snogging


the clones use this slang term to refer to “normal” people who could potentially be the “originals” from which they were modeled
10 complete the students at Hailsham are encouraged to create art; each quarter, they bring their artwork to a special event called an __________ where they can trade their pieces for those done by other students
11 donors the buildings where clones are held between donations; Some of them, like Kingsfield, are repurposed hotels or “holiday camps,” while others, like the one in Dover, seem to have been built intentionally for the recovery of donors
12 Sales


students at Hailsham have few possessions, so they put great care into their _________––artwork that they buy from other students at the quarterly Exchanges
13 carer British slang for heavy kissing
14 possible


most of the characters in Never Let Me Go are clones designed to become __________––that is, organ __________
15 recovery centre


the __________ was created by a group of activists, including Madame, to demonstrate to the public that the clones are human beings with souls
16 collection a clone who acts as a nurse and companion to other clones who are undergoing their donations
17 Exchange the training that donors must undergo to become carers
18 Cottages a British game similar to baseball

(Adapted from on 23 April 2017)

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