Mesec: januar 2018


All tenses in short texts: active (1)

Časi: postavi glagol v ustrezno obliko – vsi časi (aktiv). / Verb forms: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form – all tenses (active). 1 While Ashley  _________________________ (1 SHOP) at the bridal salon, she suddenly ____________________ (2 FEEL) really tired. She ____________________ (3 TRY ON)… Preberi več

The Story of Maggie Dickson – Half Hangit Maggie

Časi: postavi glagole v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko – past simple aktiv ali pasiv. / Verb forms: put each verb in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple, active or passive. Maggie Dickson lived in the Early Eighteenth century as a fish hawker and would certainly… Preberi več

Millions of workers live with parents

Časi: postavi glagol v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko (aktiv). / Verb forms: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (active voice). Almost two million young workers in the U.K. have to live with their parents because they cannot buy a place of their own or rent… Preberi več

How to improve the school results: not extra maths but music, loads of it

Besedišče: poveži podčrtane bedese/besedne zveze z ustreznimi slovenskimi prevodi. Trije prevodi so odveč. / Vocabulary: match the underlined words/expressions with the crorrect  Slovene translations from the box. Three of them are not used. prisotnost neuspeh zapomniti si izostanki neopazen mladina bistven socialno ogrožen nepopisen proračun krožki neuspešen  … Preberi več