Mesec: februar 2018


Report: The new youth hostel

Napiši krajši pisni sestavek: poročilo. Your class have just returned from a four-day winter camp in Libeliče, where you stayed at a new youth hostel. As a class representative, you have been asked by your head teacher to write a report of about 120-150 words about the hostel,… Preberi več

Report: My language course in Cambridge

Napiši krajši pisni sestavek: poročilo. You were awarded (by your school) a scholarship to attend a two-week English summer course in Cambridge, England. Upon your return you were asked to write a report of about 120-150 words for the head teacher in which you include the information on:… Preberi več

Types of holidays

Besedišče: dopolni prazna mesta z manjkajočimi črkami. / Vocabulary: fiil in the gaps with the missing letters to form meaningful words. 1 a holiday where you spend your time doing a particular activity such as walking, canoeing, rock-climbing, painting, or cooking: a _ _ _ _ _ _… Preberi več

Conditional sentences type 1

Postavi glagole v oklepaju v pravilno obliko. / Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 I ………………………………………….. (HELP) him if he ………………………………………….. (ASK) me. 2 When I ………………………………………….. (BE) an adult, I ………………………………………….. (HAVE) a well-paid job. 3 I know her… Preberi več

Slovenia to host its first Half Iroman next September

Gap-fill: dopolni prazna mesta z manjkajočimi besedami (eno mesto-ena beseda) / Gap-fill: fill in each gap with one suitable word. Koper – Slovenia will be hosting the prestigious Ironman Triathlon next year for the first time as the coastal towns of Koper, Ankaran, Izola and Portorož will be… Preberi več