Mesec: september 2018


Active and passive voice in sentences (past simple, past continuous, present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple, modal verbs)

Postavi glagole v oklepaju v pravilno obliko, aktivno ali pasivno. / Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, active or passive. Active and passive – past simple tense Who _______________________________ (THE CAR / INVENT) by? Three hundred people _______________________ (EMPLOY) by the company. After the injury… Preberi več

Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling

Besedišče na temo šolanja: iz konteksta poskušaj ugotoviti pomen podčrtanih besed/besednih zvez. Poveži besedo/besedno zvezo na levi z ustrezno definicijo na desni strani tabele. / Vocabulary – schooling: work out the meaning of the underlined words/expressions from the text. Match the word/expression on the left with the suitable… Preberi več