Kategorija: Branje: poveži prazno mesto z ustreznim delom povedi (Reading comprehension – matching clauses)


Dav Pilkey: What it’s like to top banned book lists around the world

Bralno razumevanje: Vstavi manjkajoče dele besedila a-k na ustrezno prazno mesto 1-10. Ena možnost je odveč. / Fill in each gap 1-10 with the missing parts of the text a-k. One option is not used. Dav Pilkey’s bestselling Captain Underpants books have been pulled from the shelves and… Preberi več

Young at heart: why children who exercise become healthier adults

Bralno razumevanje: Vstavi manjkajoče dele besedila a-j na ustrezno prazno mesto 1-10. / Fill in each gap 1-10 with the missing parts of the text a-j. Last week, Public Health England said 6 million middle-aged adults in England take less than 10 minutes’ brisk exercise a month, risking… Preberi več

How Gene Doping Works

Besedišče in bralno razumevanje: Na prazna mesta vstavi manjkajoče besedne zveze iz spodnjega nabora. / Fill in the gaps in the text with the suitable expressions from the box. bodily enhancements bulks up muscles get a temporary boost in performance had reached its peak violate professional ethical codes… Preberi več

How to Train a Cockatiel to Talk

Bralno razumevanje: Vstavi manjkajoče dele besedila a-f na ustrezno prazno mesto 1-6. / Fill in each gap 1-6 with the missing parts of the text a-f. Cockatiels can make great pets and teaching them to talk can be a great way for you and your pet to bond.… Preberi več

Great Irish Famine

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 10 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru A-J izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-10). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. Great Famine, also called Irish Potato Famine, Great Irish Famine, or Famine of 1845–49, famine that occurred in Ireland in… Preberi več

Cigarettes: What does smoking feel like, and should I try it?

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 6 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru a-f izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-6). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. You walk outside and light one up. You take a deep drag on the cigarette, and the warm smoke enters… Preberi več

Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof’s rival EU referendum flotillas clash on the Thames

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 10 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru A-J izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-10). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. The Brexit battle took to the waves on Wednesday as Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof commandeered rival Thames cruiser boats… Preberi več

Paris fears for fate of theatre that added chic to pop culture

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 10 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru A-J izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-10). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. When Jean-Luc Choplin took over more than a decade ago as director general of Paris’s Théatre du Châtelet – (1__)… Preberi več