Oznaka: art


Illustrator Manček gets lifetime achievement award

Besedotvorje: postavi besedo v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko. / Word formation: put the word in brackets into the correct form. Ljubljana – The 12th Biennial of Illustration kicked off on Wednesday at the Cankarjev dom arts and conference centre with a ceremony honouring Marjan Manček with the lifetime… Preberi več

Archaeologist Claims Discovery of Aristotle’s Tomb

Časi: Postavi glagol v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko. (Active and passive) At an international conference commemorating the 2,400th anniversary of the birth of Aristotle, Greek archaeologist Konstantinos Sismanidis announced that his team ____________________ (1 DISCOVER) the philosopher’s burial place. Although Aristotle is known ____________________ (2 DIE) in Chalcis,… Preberi več

‘Waitress’ Star Finds Strength In The Female Narrative On Broadway

Dopolni manjkajoča mesta v besedilu z ustreznimi besednimi zvezami iz tabele.         NABBED PAID OFF UNDENIABLE DOMESTIC APPEALED LEADING FIRSTHAND FEW RELIEF TACKLES Much of the buzz surrounding “Waitress,” which is now playing at New York’s Brooks Atkinson Theatre, has emphasized the musical’s all-female creative… Preberi več

Paris fears for fate of theatre that added chic to pop culture

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 10 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru A-J izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-10). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. When Jean-Luc Choplin took over more than a decade ago as director general of Paris’s Théatre du Châtelet – (1__)… Preberi več

Sculptor Anish Kapoor Takes Legal Claim to the World’s Blackest Material

Časi: postavi glagol v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko (active and passive voice). Indian-British sculptor Anish Kapoor has purchased exclusive rights to a new painting material called Vantablack, a black that is darker than any other. The material ____________________ (DEVELOP) in 2014 by British company Surrey NanoSystems and is made, according to the company,… Preberi več