Oznaka: Britain


Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling

Besedišče na temo šolanja: iz konteksta poskušaj ugotoviti pomen podčrtanih besed/besednih zvez. Poveži besedo/besedno zvezo na levi z ustrezno definicijo na desni strani tabele. / Vocabulary – schooling: work out the meaning of the underlined words/expressions from the text. Match the word/expression on the left with the suitable… Preberi več

The Battle of Hastings (1066)

Besedotvorje: postavi besedo v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko. King Harold II of England was defeated by the Norman forces of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, fought on Senlac Hill, seven miles from Hastings, England. At the end of the _______________ (1 BLOOD), all-day battle, Harold… Preberi več

Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof’s rival EU referendum flotillas clash on the Thames

Preberi besedilo, v katerem manjka 10 delov povedi. V spodnjem naboru A-J izberi ustrezen del povedi za vsako manjkajoče mesto (1-10). Odgovore (črke) zapiši na črto poleg številke. The Brexit battle took to the waves on Wednesday as Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof commandeered rival Thames cruiser boats… Preberi več