Oznaka: cycling


How Gene Doping Works

Besedišče in bralno razumevanje: Na prazna mesta vstavi manjkajoče besedne zveze iz spodnjega nabora. / Fill in the gaps in the text with the suitable expressions from the box. bodily enhancements bulks up muscles get a temporary boost in performance had reached its peak violate professional ethical codes… Preberi več

The invisible bicycle helmet

Besedotvorje: postavi besedo v oklepaju v ustrezno obliko. It is often cited that helmets mess up one’s hair and especially, may not fit _______________ (1 PROPER) over women’s hairstyles. Some people choose hairstyle over helmet and risk their _______________ (2 SAFE). Some choose helmet and keep whining about their ruined hairstyle. Folks! There’s a new… Preberi več