Oznaka: sea



Past simple: postavi glagole v oklepaju v preteklik, aktiv ali pasiv. / Past simple: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, past simple active or passive. Dubrovnik is a port on the Adriatic coast in Croatia. It is a very small city with only 50,000 inhabitants,… Preberi več


Bralno razumevanje: Na prazna mesta vstavi ustrezno vprašanje iz zgornjega nabora. Eno vprašanje je odveč. / Reading comprehension: Fill in each gap with a suitable question from the box. One question is not used. a) Can you put vinegar on a jellyfish sting? b) Can you die from… Preberi več

Swimming with dolphins may be banned

Poimenuj slovični čas čas podčrtanega glagola. Izberi med naslednjimi: present simple, present continuous, past simple, present perfect simple. Authorities in Hawaii are proposing (1) a ban on the popular tourist activity of swimming with dolphins off the Hawaiian coast. The dolphins have served (2) as a magnet for… Preberi več