Commonly misused: members, supporters, fans, admirers
Dopolni manjkajoče mesto z ustrezno besedo iz tabele. Potem preberi spodnja prevode in preveri rešitve. (3)
members | supporters | fans | admirers |
1 To soccer _______________, identifying themselves with the club is a hobby, a pastime or source of casual entertainment. To the _______________, the club is a way of life. (adapted from www.sundaystandard)
2 Mary doesn’t know who sent her Valentine cards. Obviously she has secret _______________.
3 The political party that gets the most votes from their _______________ will win the election. However, it is not necessary that it will be the biggest party with the most _______________.
members – slov. člani (društva, stranke, kluba)
supporters – slov. podporniki, navijači – ki redno spremljajo klub na tekmah
fans – slov. zanesenjaki, ljubitelji, navijači – ki gledajo tekme na televiziji in si samo občasno ogledajo tekmo v živo
admirers – slov. občudovalci