Oznaka: funny


The spy

Pretekli časi: vstavi glagole v pravilno obliko (aktiv in pasiv). / Verb forms: put the verbs in brackets into the correct past form, active or passive. Once upon a time there was a famous spy. For over 20 years he had been going on important missions and stealing… Preberi več

Cherry pie

Časi: vstavi glagole v pravilno obliko (aktiv). / Verb forms: put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, active voice. A group of our friends were planning a picnic, and it sounded like fun. The only problem was that I ____________________ (1 GO) through hard times, as… Preberi več

Silly Criminals

Pretekli časi: past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple: Postavi glagole v oklepaju v pravilno obliko (active voice). The Chimney Burglar A burglar who got stuck in a chimney while he _______________ (1 TRY) to break into a Los Angeles home has been jailed for two years. Bungling… Preberi več